Are You A Content Creator?
Deeply Engage Your Audience and Increase Monetization
Annoyed Audience
Happy Audience
Curious About How To Make Your Videos Shoppable & Discoverable?
Scene Analysis
Upload or add a link to your video on your Ever web account. Ever Detector™ analyzes the video for metadata by scene.
Metadata Upload
Click and drag your metadata file which has information about People, Places, and Products for the video to your Ever web account.
Frame - Metadata Association
Ever algorithms assist you to associate every frame with metadata inside it.
Ever API Works In Content Post-Production Phase
Create content with no changes to the existing processes.
H&M Dress
Golden Gate
Use Ever API to tag the videos you created to make everything (people, places, products) discoverable and/or shoppable.
Deeply engage your audience and make money every time they buy an item they discovered in your video.
Request Demo
Send us an email at to schedule a demo.